Petworth Heritage Partnership

Support Us

United Reformed Church Petworth - Organ Pipes

How you can help

You can support the activities of The Petworth Heritage Partnership by volunteering at our events.

The historically-significant sites that form The Petworth Heritage Partnership are all supported my volunteers. Many are charities or run by volunteers and rely on the vital contribution volunteers can give to remain open. If you are interested in supporting us, please see below for the opportunities available.


Volunteering opportunities

Petworth House & Park

Visitor Welcome

Welcome our visitors in a friendly, warm manner, making every visitor welcome, as well as passing on any important information visitors need to get the most out of their day.

Events and Programming

Engaging visitors with our events and helping to make everyone’s day memorable. We have a varied programme throughout the year including Easter trails, seasonal crafts, outdoor cinema and theatre, exhibitions, family activities and Christmas.

Room Guides

Bringing Petworth House to life by inspiring visitors and helping them to learn in an interesting and enjoyable way, as well as playing a role to safeguard our interiors and collections.

Volunteer Gardener

Working with the Garden Team to help maintain and improve where possible the appearance of specific areas of the Garden Pleasure Grounds and Park at Petworth.

Collections Care Volunteer

Taking care of historic items, art and interiors, and keeping buildings looking their best through conservation and cleaning, so that visitors can enjoy them well into the future.

For further information about volunteering opportunities at Petworth House and Park, please contact Lucy Ward on 01798 345541 or email

Petworth Cottage Museum

✓ To prepare the museum for redecoration during the closed season.

✓ To prepare the museum for opening on a weekly rota, e.g. checking and adjusting the cash float, stocking up postcards, guide books.

✓ To deputise for the (paid) housekeeper when away, e.g. laying the fire in the range.

✓ To help with spring cleaner in the run up to the open season.

✓ To act as stewards during the open season (April to October inclusive), welcoming and guiding visitors.

✓ To plant and maintain the cottage garden throughout the year.

✓ To create and maintain the stewards’ rota.

Coultershaw Heritage Site

Visitor Welcome Guides

Coultershaw opens twice a month at weekends between Easter and September. Our Visitor Welcome Guides play an important role in welcoming and explaining to our visitors what they can see and explore on site. If you are friendly, enthusiastic and have time to offer we would love to hear from you.

Gardening & Maintenance

Our Tuesday Working Group meets on Tuesday morning throughout the year to help maintain our beautiful heritage site and look after the ongoing operation and maintance of the historic water wheel. We are in particular need of volunteer gardeners who can help us.

Local History Groups

We are starting a new local history group in Dec 2021 and looking for local people to join us. We plan to meet twice a month and will be exploring a range of local Petworth history topics in a friendly and informal setting.

For further information about volunteering opportunities at Coultershaw Heritage Site, please contact Hilary Brookes on 07796 170183 or email

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